Student's Voice

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YES, Kiana! I Want The Make Your Money Work for YOU POWERCOURSE...
$34,844.00+   $3,997
$597 Now and 7 Payments of $597 later
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Crypto Cash Machine Mastery?

CRYPTO CASH MACHINE MASTERY: Are you looking to expand your portfolio beyond just stocks and other traditional assets? Are you ready to become serious (not just curious) about cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum and find out the SAFEST way to add them to your portfolio? If so, upgrade to get the Crypto Cash Machine Mastery for just an additional $247 and get full access and learn about the fundamentals of cryptocurrency, learn how to identify top-performing cryptos, and choose the right wallet and exchanges.

30-Day Action Based Money Back Guarantee!

By clicking on the button below, you confirm that you have Read and Agreed to the Terms & Conditions 
Please scroll down this page to review our 30-day Action-Based Refund Guarantee details and instructions. 

Please do NOT apply for the PowerCourse if you are not an action taker who puts in the work and applies our strategies. This is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme, nor it is a magic pill.

This is NOT for lazy people. 

 Click the button above to pay with credit card

Pay by PayPal: 

(Note: when paying via Paypal, check the email linked to your Paypal account for course access instructions)

Student Success Stories

Shabnam Shamloo - Built a $100K Portfolio

Nicole Das,
property manager

“My husband and I just bought a new home and we owe it all to Kiana’s Make your Money Work for You PowerCourse. Since joining we have learned how to take strategic steps in order to achieve our financial goals through investing in the online markets, increasing our wealth by over 37%. “

Grace Wee,
Healthcare Worker

"Within 1 year of signing up with Kiana Danial's Invest Diva Powercourse, my overall portfolio has grown by over 100%, with my best performing stocks based on Kiana's recommendations have grown by over 200%"

Mystie Arnold

Mom ~ Yoga Instructor ~ Entrepreneur

"I am so grateful to have found Kiana! I had been "playing" around with the stock market way too long without the information or knowledge necessary to make sound, informed, responsible decisions.

Making the small investment in myself and in my family's financial future by taking her Make Your Money Work For You Power Course has been the BEST financial decision I have ever made.


Ana Workman - Built a $200K Portfolio

By Award-Winning and Internationally Recognized Professor, Investor & Author, Kiana Danial...
 You'll start with...
  • Lifetime Access
  • To the Make your Money Work For You PowerCourse  that includes an eight-week step-by-step guide, tons of videos, cheat sheets, templates and more so that you can get off the ground on the right foot, fast. (Value: $20,000.00)
  • 30 Days FREE Membership: Premium Investing Group
  • Cut down on market noise by adopting our tailored investment strategies, designed to align with your risk tolerance and financial goals. Avoid the mistakes I made as a beginner, like blowing up my account! Receive a concise and engaging monthly newsletter at your doorstep, summarizing all our investment insights. This eliminates the need for time-consuming research on which stocks to buy, when to buy, and when to sell. Each month, I'll share my essential MUST-HAVE list, spotlighting the assets in my $5M portfolio, and I'll highlight my TOP portfolio pick. Dive into 30 days of access to the Premium Investing membership area. Here, you can fine-tune investment strategies based on your financial aspirations and participate in real-time weekly live sessions with our Premium coaches. They'll guide you in crafting your strategies, enabling you to become your own savvy money manager. And as a special perk for Powercourse members, after your 30-day free trial, you can continue with Premium Investor status at a whopping 90% discount.  (Value: $6,756.00++)
  • Three Private Calls With Platinum Coaches
  • When you invest today, you'll get 30 days of free access to our Platinum Coaches. These coaches are part of a service that usually costs $25K a year. Right now, our Platinum members are paying $2,083 every month for this. These coaches will help you find the best way to succeed in this program. After you invest, you'll get a link to book your first of three sessions with a Platinum coach. They'll help you start off with five important steps. Once the 30 days end, you can choose to stop, move up to Platinum coaching, or keep going with the Premium Group at a special rate just for Powercourse members. And think about it: one tip from our Platinum coaches might pay off your investment in less than a month. (Value: Priceless)
      • Volatility Proofing Hacks
      • So you can instantly create an investment portfolio that can weather through any type of market, when one type of asset like the stock market is down, you find other investing opportunities to hedge and balance your portfolio, and continue to make money, EVEN during an economic recession. (Value: $5,997) 
      •  My Weird Japanese Investing System
      • My step-by-step guideline to Ichimoku, Fibonacci and the IDDA investment system that helps me beat the boys of Wall Street at their own game (Priceless)
       In a couple weeks, once your dreams are starting to turn into plans, we'll crack open the vault and dig deeper into the details of success with my...
      •  The Ultimate Investor’s Toolkit
      • Every tool you need to make investments that are perfect for you, and only for you including my Profitability Calculator, Risk Assessment Calculator, Investment indicators, Technical Analysis secrets, all of my favorite investing sites & resources, and much much more... ($997 Value)
      •  Secret TAX Loopholes [NEW!]
      • The biggest problem for our students who are rocking it (10X-ing and 100x-ing their money using the Invest Diva Strategies) is avoiding to pay a TON of taxes on their capital gains they make . So I got my personal accountant to show you some tax reduction strategies. (Priceless)
      •  My Black Book of Investments
      • For those of you who are like me and need to see actual examples of how things are done in real life, you’re also gonna get my black book of investments with real life examples of my low, medium, and high risk investments all with video walk throughs to make is faster and easier for you to recognize a the right investment for you when you see one, and red flags when they pop up. ($497)
      •  Mastermind with Rick Bensignor 
      • Wall Street veteran and hedge fund consultant shares his trading secrets. ($597)
      • ​ Private Calls with Platinum Coaches
      • Up to 3 personal 1 on 1 calls with one of our Platinum coaches for 1 month at ZERO additional costs…(priceless)
      Total Value: $34,844.00+  USD
      Limited time offer: ONLY $3,997 USD

      Student Success Stories

      Tonya Rideout - Built a $500K Portfolio

      Edyta Awan, Single Mom - Built a $200K Portfolio

      Ken Yards, Canada - Built a $100K Portfolio

      Invest Diva Movement

      The Place To Take Control Of Your Financial Future & Make Your Money Work For You

      “A great program that helps students make sense of it all and helps you make REAL money in the financial markets... a tremendous value." 

       - John Kyne, Ethics and Compliance Officer at MetLife

      “Since I have joined Kiana's group, a few months ago, I have doubled the size of my account! Now I am learning how to profitably trade Stocks. I have also signed up for her Power Corse and it is so worth it. The information in her course is extremely valuable if you want to be financially successful like her. Kiana is a great teacher and a wonderful person!"

      - Darlene Hemple

      "Kiana is truly amazing. Her Invest Diva Power Course, daily signals and discussions are very thorough and empowering. This enables making good investment decisions. Thanks a bunch Kiana !"

      - Rupesh Roy

      Ilaria Melvi, Single Mom, Freelance Translator

      "Thank you so much Kiana for covering all my questions during the weekly LIVE PIG sessions... I've learned so much from your technical analysis..."

      Here are some of her #DivaWin reports!

      "Today [dureing the Coronavirus economic meltdown] I was pleasantly surprised when I checked my portfolio and all of my stocks were displaying a cute little green number!"

      "#divawin report!! I opened an account on Degiro with 1000 € and entered buy limit orders on Italian stocks and they went through! Now the stocks I have are going constantly up and it's so fascinating and entertaining! Yu-huu!"

      “Kiana has helped me reach my goals of buying a house and being financially free.She has the ability to break down the complicated investment tactics in easy-to-understand methodologies, and actually apply them to my portfolio.“ 

      - Rich Weber, Police Officer

      “Kiana’s market analysis is always based on empirical, unbiased study and she adheres to the golden rule of trading: “follow the data”. If you want to increase your level of success in trading, follow Kiana!”

      – Jay Norris, Founder, Trading University

      “Kiana offers sound advice in a down-to-earth, fun, and easy to understand format. It's nice to learn and crack up at the same time because life is serious enough! Customer service is also excellent and responses are fast. Thx Invest Diva team! U all rock! “
      - Donna Young

      Disclaimer: Any information presented is not investment advice.  
      Please carefully read the Term of Services and Privacy Policy

      EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The Invest Diva Movement and the Make your Money Work For You PowerCourse were created to help those who want to grow their wealth  through investing in online financial assets such as stocks . While many have achieved financial success by following the steps outlined in the course, this is not a get-rich-quick program. If you want to find a get-rich-quick scheme, we encourage you to scroll right by us, and we wish you well in your endeavors. Seriously, the internet is full of them...you just won’t find one here. The products and services offered to Make Your Money Work For You PowerCourse members are exclusively for informational and educational purposes. This program requires hard work, dedication, a focus on learning…and we’ve found that a heart for helping others is pretty dang helpful in both life and business. 

      PowerCourse Refund Policy
      We want you to be satisfied with your purchase but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all of the strategies in the course. We offer a 30-day refund period for purchases if less than 35% of total course material has been viewed (we use a database provider who provides accurate metrics regarding viewership of total course content). However, in order to qualify for a refund, you must submit proof that you did the work in the course and it did not work for you. Please note, if you select the monthly payment option we are not able to stop payments without a refund request being submitted. 

      This is what we call satisfaction guaranteed. What that means is that once you get in, participate in the program and submit your answers to the review questions for the first 6 modules out of the 28-module PowerCourse and still don’t think it’s right for you, we’ll gladly give you a full refund…

      You must complete the refund requirements (see below for instructions) within 30 days of enrollment. Refunds are given only when requested by email, by a student who has purchased the Powercourse and has completed the review questions for the first 6 modules. The answers must show that you indeed have made progress and understand the basics of each module.
      Please read the actions you need to take to qualify for a refund here

      Please only join the Make Your Money Work For You PowerCourse if you are an action taker and you know you are going to put in the effort and actually do the work and study as this is not one of those get-rich-quick programs.

      Now here is some legal stuff (you had to know that was coming.) Nothing on this page, any of our associated websites, social media properties, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of future earnings or results. We always recommend using caution and consulting your accountant, lawyer, or professional financial advisor before making any investment decision or before acting on this or any other business or financial information. Basically: talk to professionals before you start investing, recognize that all investments come with an inherent risk, and we don’t guarantee results. Pretty straightforward, right? 

      Instructions to qualify for a Powercourse Refund 

      **Please Do NOT Purchase If You Are Not Ready To Commit To Taking Control Of Your Financial Future**

      • Requirement 1: It’s been less than 30 days since you purchased
      • Requirement 2: You completed less than 35% of the course material
      • Requirement 3: You viewed 100% of the videos for modules 1-6
      • ​Requirement 4: Complete the Review Questions and Homework Assignments in Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, and submit results from research and answers to Invest Diva via email to support@investdiva.com
      • Requirement 5: Must participate in the private Insider Club Facebook group: Write one post per week, or one comment on another member’s post, or ask one question you may have or advice from members for 2 weeks.

      Here are the modules homework assignments you are required to complete: 

      • Module 1:Mindest & Financial Planning 
      • 1.1 (3 Homework Assignments)
      • 1.2 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • 1.3 (2 Homework Assignments)
      • Module 2 :Current Financial Situation
      • 2.1 (3 Homework Assignments)
      • 2.2 (3 Homework Assignments)
      • 2.3 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • Module 3: Your Risk Tolerance
      • 3.1 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • 3.2 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • 3.4 (2 Homework Assignments)
      • Module 4: Time Value of Money
      • 4.3 (2 Homework Assignments)
      • 4.4 (2 Homework Assignments)
      • 4.5 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • ​4.6 (2 Homework Assignments)
      • Module 5: Starting to Invest
      • 5.3 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • Module 6: Stocks | Margins | Short-selling
      • 6.1 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • 6.2 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • 6.3 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • 6.4 (1 Homework Assignment)
      • ​6.5 (1 Homework Assignment)

      *Note: you are NOT required to use personal information to complete the homework! You can use example data when completing.*

      *ONLY after completing all of these steps, if you feel the course still hasn’t helped you to take control of their financial future, will we offer a refund.*

      Why We Created Our Refund Policy This Way

      Our main goal with the Invest Diva Movement is to help people take control of their financial future and make their money work for them.
      The reason why we designed the refund policy this way, is that we KNOW our program will help you with your finances.

      We KNOW you will be better off financially by completing the first few modules.

      Our mission is to help you take control of your of your financial future, whether you decide to stick with us till the end or not.

      So as a service to you, we invite you to complete just the first 6 modules out of 24 modules, and we give you a FULL refund if you’re still not satisfied and don't think the Invest Diva Movement is the right community for you to support you reach your goals. 

      Basically, you can have the cake and eat it too.

      Does that sound fair?

      Summary of What You Are Going to Get ...
      Wall Street's Top Quality Investment Education 
      By Award-Winning and Internationally Recognized Professor, Investor & Author, Kiana Danial.
       You'll start with...
      • Lifetime Access
      • To the Make your Money Work For You PowerCourse. That includes an eight-week step-by-step guide, tons of videos, cheat sheets, templates and more so that you can get off the ground faster. (Value: $9,997.00)
      • Instant Ichimoku Secrets (Ready-To-Go Cheat Sheet Included)
      • The fastest way to get Ichimoku to work for you and your unique risk tolerance so you can start making your money work for you without being a math whiz. Available after Day 15. (Value: $1,997) 
      •  Insider Group
      • That offers ongoing support and celebrations for your success. Live coaching happens bi-weekly so that you never have to feel like you are alone and know where to get your questions answered. (Priceless)
      • Premium Investing Group (PIG)
      • Real-time weekly investments! Copy my trades as I make them. 3 months access to every single trade and investment I make for ANY of my portfolios across all the assets, real time, every week. (Value: $1,191)
       In a couple weeks, once your dreams are starting to turn into plans, we'll crack open the vault and dig deeper into the details of success with my...
      •  Little Black Book of Brokers 'LBBB': Eliminates costly trial and error in finding the good brokers. You'll have access to the list of brokers that I invest with across all assets, who don't charge you hidden commission fees, are secure, and won't take the other side of your trades. (Available after Day 15 -Value: $297
      •  Instant Ichimoku Secrets: Access my secrets sauce in creating winning investment strategies. This alone is well worth the investment in the Make Your Money Work For You PowerCourse. You'll have access to my instant Ichimoku hacks, so you can make sense of it all without having to learn Japanese or going through years of trial and error to unleash the real magic of Ichimoku.  (Available after Day 15 - Value: $1,997) 
      • ​ Recession Proofing Hacks: So you can instantly create an investment portfolio that can weather through any type of market, when one type of asset like the stock market is down, you find other investing opportunities to hedge and balance your portfolio, and continue to make money, EVEN during an economic recession. (Value: $997) 
      • ​Private session with Kiana: If after all this you still feel stuck, I'll come to your rescue with a video one-on-one. (Value: Priceless)
      Total Value: $14,479 USD
      Limited time offer: ONLY $997 USD
      The Strategies To Get You To Your Goals
      The Support You Need At Each Step
      The Priceless one-on-one call
      As Seen In...
      Total Value
      $17,273+   $997
      Now we need to talk about a couple “myths” that I also faced when I first started my journey as an investor

      Myth #1

      It Worked For Them, But it Won’t Work For Me
      Because….[INSERT B.S.].
      If that thought has ever crossed your mind, then you are hurting yourself with some pretty bad B.S. (Belief Systems).

      You see...with that type of mindset you are SABOTAGING yourself and not even giving yourself a chance to succeed.

      The reality is things take TIME...

      When something doesn’t work it doesn’t mean it’s broken — it means you need to “pivot” or “iterate” and shift.

      The strategies I teach WILL work for you, but only if you believe they will and are willing to pivot and shift when necessary.

      I know one thing for sure, and that is that nothing beats EXPERIENCE.

      Accessing someone else’s proven methods is a shortcut, because rather than failing on your own you can learn from their failures and experiences.

      Myth #2

      I need a lot of money to truly grow my wealth
      and implement trading tactics.
      When I first started to trade in the forex market I was a college student—in my early 20s.

      I had already been burned once by a money manager, so I decided to take matters into my own hands.

      I was what you’d call a “scrappy trader” and was simply bootstrapping my portfolio.

      No funding, no big budgets. Just me and a laptop.

      I’ve learned a lot since then, and if there’s one thing you should know about me it’s that I can’t stand OVERPAYING for anything. I love a good deal and strategies that pay more value.